Now onto

Ok, its quite simple to make links in your mail or pages. there are 2 kinds of links that you'll be using, the "click to mail" link, and the "go to" link.

The "click to mail" link is done like this: <A href="mailto:your e-mail addy">E-mail me</a>
You could put anything you want where it says "E-mail me" even a url of a graphic or picture just use the img src code as you did before, you will be able to click on the picture to write email to you.

The other link, "go to", will simply take you to another location, like at the bottom of these pages, those are "go to" links, they take you to another page, to do this, write it like this:<A href="url addy">click here</a>, and like before, you can put anything you want where it says "click here" including a pic.

Thats all there is to it. Now just do it.

Click Here to learn about custom lettering.

Here is how I did that link to my next page: Click<A href="url of next page">Here</a> to learn about custom lettering.